Overview of DDC
A bit of background about Dollar Donation Club!
Dollar Donation Club (DDC) is a web2 micro-donation community on a mission to create the world's first collective billionaire super-philanthropist, through unifying millions of people giving as little as $1/month together.
DDC leverages world-renowned experts to curate and identify the most effect environmental and humanitarian impact projects (with clear results for every $1 donated), and unifies donors into monthly mega-donations to those projects. Members benefit from gamified tracking of their personal and collective results, clear monthly feedback demonstrating exactly what happened with their donations, and gamified community features such as leaderboards and "impact family" growth.
Over the course of 5 years, this community has planted more than 1,000,000 trees, removed nearly 1,000,000 lbs of ocean plastic pollution, and funded over 287,000 days of education for children living in extreme poverty.
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