The Flying Pigs Manifesto
Flying Pigs is on a mission to create a perpetual engine of funding for the world’s best environmental and humanitarian impact projects, leveraging the best of DeFi and degen culture to create a flourishing new ReFi and regen culture in the web3 community.
The Evolution of Degen to Regen The rise of cryptocurrency promised a new era of decentralization, a path to help humanity and civilization thrive. But after more than a decade of innovation, are we really where we thought we’d be? Millions of projects have shown the potential and speculative power of this technology, a lot of wealth has changed hands, but has DeFi truly unlocked the best of what humanity can achieve?
While many in the crypto space have been generous and driven by good intentions, has making a real difference become a side-quest to decadence instead of the main quest? In the beginning, the goal of cryptocurrency was to challenge and degenerate centralized systems. But now, the next wave needs to focus on building something better, on regenerating. Instead of just rejecting what’s broken, what’s the bold new vision we’re creating? Instead of protesting what we don’t want, how can we fuel the world we do want into existence? And rather than supporting “public goods” in only one protocol's ecosystem, what if we worked together to fund the global public good of the ecosystem of the entire planet and it's inhabitants?
It’s time to evolve. Like a Pokémon leveling up, we need to integrate the “degen” and become the “regens” the world needs (cue evolution SFX). Flying Pigs is a culture-coin that represents the optimistic vision of the world that we see, not a vulture-coin that leverages the best of innovation but lacks the best of human virtues.
Enter the Regen
Regenerative Finance (ReFi) is about rethinking how economies work so they support social, environmental, and humanitarian good. It’s a chance to redefine what we value and build a more direct path to the outcomes we truly care about—a thriving, resilient world that reduces suffering and helps humanity flourish. In a sense, ReFi gives humanity the opportunity to fund true, universal public goods, not only those confined within one protocol's ecosystem.
What we choose to value grows, and what we do not value degenerates. Take whales, for example. A dead whale is valued for its blubber, oil, and meat, but a living whale—despite all the benefits it provides—has no recognized monetary value. The IMF has estimated that the average great whale is worth more than $2 million, and the global whale population represents over $1 trillion in value. Why? Whales store massive amounts of carbon in their bodies, locking it away for centuries when they die and sink to the ocean floor—each great whale absorbs an average of 33 tons of CO2. For comparison, a tree absorbs just 48 pounds per year (1). Beyond carbon sequestration, whales boost biodiversity and play a vital role in the health of our planet. Yet traditional and DeFi financial systems don’t account for this value, leading to the degradation of critical natural assets like whales, among many other natural assets.
ReFi is still young, but it’s already experimenting with ways to map monetary value to nature and human well-being. The key to making this work is creating a culture of "regens"—innovators who are committed to regeneration. With this mindset, humanity can unleash millions of projects to protect and regenerate this awe-inspiring spaceship we call home.
Can ReFi funnel billions of dollars into proven, quantifiable, scalable solutions to the world’s biggest problems while creating abundance for those who help power it?
It can—but only if we first believe it’s possible…
The Spirit of the Flying Pig
In the west, “when pigs fly” is a phrase people use to mean, “That’s impossible.” For instance, “Sure, I’ll become the president when pigs fly!” This saying has been around for hundreds of years, with its earliest use dating back over 400 years.
But if history has taught us anything, it’s that every generation has its own beliefs about what’s “impossible”, that are eventually proven possible. Take human flight, for example. People believed it was impossible. In fact, even after the Wright brothers had succeeded in human flight, there were still scientific papers being published in mainstream media outlets proving that it was mathematically impossible. Within 10 years, commercial flights were regularly taking off.
Or consider the four-minute mile. For years, breaking that barrier was thought to be beyond human capability. Then, in 1954, Roger Bannister proved otherwise. What’s remarkable is that within a year of Bannister’s achievement, 24 other athletes also ran a mile in under four minutes. This phenomenon became known as The Bannister Effect—a mental shift that happens when someone proves that the “impossible” is possible, inspiring others to follow, unleashing this new potential for everyone else to step into.
Throughout history, progress has depended on individuals who challenge the status quo, turning “impossibility” into reality. We call these people Flying Pigs. And Flying Pigs are always facing ridicule from pessimists and skeptics. We call these cynics The Nevers (e.g. “You’ll never be able to do that.”). The Flying Pigs are humanity’s true evolutionary catalysts. Without the Flying Pigs, humanity would still be sitting around the fire scratching our butts. There are countless examples of those throughout history who have taken on the flying pig spirit, against all odds. Those who–despite ridicule from The Nevers–have combined unrelenting belief with dedicated action. This is the combination that our world needs right now.
While there are an infinite number of reasons to be cynical or pessimistic about the future–we need the Flying Pigs of this world to step forward and trail-blaze exciting new visions about what is possible–and then build it.
Can we remove all the plastic from our oceans? Can we end extreme hunger and poverty? Can we reforest a trillion trees? Instead of listing all the reasons these audacious goals (and many more) might fail, let’s focus on all the ways they could succeed. That’s the spirit of the Flying Pig: turning the impossible into the inevitable.
LFG Flying Pigs
Flying Pigs is an optimistic culture-coin that serves as an antidote to vulture-coins. This is a world’s first true mission-coin. Our goal is to spread the Flying Pig spirit–unrelenting belief with dedicated action–to regenerate our planet and redefine what’s possible. While there is a lot to criticize in the world today–we must criticize by creating, transforming our distaste into dreams of a better future. As a beginning to this new dawn, let’s unleash meme culture to glorify the Flying Pig spirit, and take dedicated action to fund projects that make our world a better place.
Community-First Tokenomics The regenaissance is community-owned. Flying Pigs employs a revolutionary, community-owned token model where 80% of the supply has been bundled into a community staking rewards pool. This pool will maintain a 1% emission rate per voting period, meaning every 2 weeks, there will be 1% of the total supply of Flying Pigs made available to those users who stake. As a happy byproduct of this pool, we've effectively taken the revenues that would normally go to the deployers of the token, and instead distributed those amongst our users as a means of incentivizing continuous participation in our mission, sparking the regenaisssance!
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