DDC Vetting Criteria
At the heart of Dollar Donation Club is their globally recognized vetting and research system that aims to identify "acupuncture points of change" for global solutions, with clear and measurable results per dollar. DDC works with an advisory board of 40+ globally renowned researchers, innovators and scientists to deeply understand global problem-landscapes and identify the most effective solutions that currently exist. Each project is rigorously vetted using their proprietary Integrated Impact Score vetting system (see example report), leveraging advanced AI-research alongside expert researchers and innovators.
Each project featured on DDC has a clear and measurable "Return on Donation" (RoD) that demonstrates the results for every dollar donated. Here are some example RoDs:
$1 = 4 trees planted
$1 = 2.2 lbs of ocean-bound plastic pollution removed
$1 = 2 days of education provided for a child living in extreme poverty
$1 = 0.5 acres of rainforest protected
Cutting Through the Noise (AKA BS)
The philanthropic space is overrun with too many options and it's nearly impossible for donors and companies to discern which projects are the most effective. The impact projects that have the best marketing and SEO tend to be rewarded with the most donations, but they are not necessarily the most effective projects. Often projects that have a poor website, poor marketing materials, and is listed on page 56 of search results for their cause may sometimes be among the most effective, per dollar. DDC believes that donors need less choices and more clarity about which projects actually generate the results (and the world) that actually move the needle. This is why they emphasize 'Return on Donation', because when all of the marketing glitz and fancy storytelling are stripped away, what are the measurable results that have been achieved with every dollar donated to this project? Therefore, DDC's vetting system first maps out the world's biggest challenges, listed on their Humanity's Checklist, and then researches all existing projects to discover which ones are the most effective at generating the highest impact (highest Return on Donation) possible for every dollar donated. Projects that measurably move the needle towards checking off a major global challenge, with the highest known RoD are identified and funded. In effect, this creates a simple roadmap for identifying humanity's best existing solutions to our biggest challenges with a clear system that ensures dollars are being used as effectively as possible given our current knowledge of the problem-landscape.
Learn more about the DDC vetting process by reviewing a sample vetting report, or reading their Theory of Giving page.
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